In coming posts here I'll refer to particular areas of the garden: it's quite a complicated garden, but I've added a very simple plan of the key areas to give you an idea of where we are talking about - see 'Garden plan' in the header. The total garden area is around 5,000 sq.m, and is on two levels with steps between them (there is one level path to the upper garden for those who can't manage steps).
This is a garden intended to be slowly explored, there are lots of little paths, lots things to look at, lots of places to sit and enjoy tea or a picnic, or the view or the wildlife. Most plants are on a computer index, so a visitor wanting to look at (say) an Acer cappadocicum 'Aureum' should eventually be able to locate it using the numbered grids on the Garden plan.
The garden is a bit of a maze, with the possibility of getting lost! When we finally get round to a garden opening we'll probably issue visitors with a little bell to ring if they need help - we have a big bell by the back door to ring to guide people back to the entrance, for teas, toilets, and of course the plant stall....